
Supporting black & brown disabled entrepreneurs

We equip you with the skills you need to thrive as a solopreneur, start-up & scale up
53.4% of people with disabilities launch a business out of necessity, while the rest do it out of the opportunity (source: Frontiersin)
33.9% of people with disabilities start up a business to increase income
73% of people of colour have a fear of leaving a steady job

Our focus is to support black & brown disabled entrepreneurs

We aim to do this by creating a safe and accessible space, giving you the opportunity to build concepts, test your ideas, develop your confidence and be given a fair shot to achieve and share your innovations in the business terrain.

We know that disabled entrepreneurs could solve some of the world's more challenging issues with the right support. All you need is a shot!

Cultivating equity for black & brown entrepreneurs

This programme has been curated by black & brown entrepreneurs who have had their fair share of challenges trying to find spaces that consider their additional needs beyond race.

Our vision is a world in which every black & brown disabled entrepreneur has an equal opportunity to start a successful business, develop their strengths, feel protected and receive the right support without limitations.

Our model is to remove the barriers so many of us face in building out our ideas by helping us develop with confidence and understand our strengths, get the right support in place and be accessible so you can excel in business.


Our mission is to impact the way the world engages with black & brown disabled entrepreneurs

In our programme, you and other exceptional founders who want to create sustainable businesses will gain insights, new skills and a network that we hope will help you realise that anything is truly possible, even when society has made it challenging for people like us.

Our Team

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." – Nelson Mandela
