The Diverse Creative CIC was founded in 2017 by a young black budding entrepreneur who herself received a diagnosis of dyslexia at the age of 19. We provide a range of services, programmes and resources for individuals who identify as having a disability in pursuit of experiencing a positive career trajectory, starting a business and for organisations in pursuit of creating an inclusive workforce.
At The Diverse Creative CIC, we understand first-hand that navigating employment is not always the easiest thing to do as a person of colour with a disability. So we created the Not Your Average Entrepreneur (NYAE) 8-week pre-business programme to help those of you considering entrepreneurship as another route to success. NYAE truly reflects our core values and belief in regards to diversity, inclusion, equity and equality. We created this one of kind programme as an effort to increase access to equal opportunities for people of colour in the realms of business who want to support the rebuilding of the economy post COVID19 and create a work life balance that truly takes into consideration their needs.