The Greatest Implementation Day The World Has Ever Seen…

…(And You Are Invited)

Transform your dreams into reality on a day dedicated not just to learning, but to doing. The Greatest Implementation Day is designed for black/brown disabled OR neurodivergent entrepreneurs ready to move from information to implementation. This isn’t just another day of talking; it’s a hands-on,  evidence based action-packed day where ideas meet their execution tied into a sprint format for maximum results.

JOIN US online for free!

Sat 13th April 

10:00 – 15:00 GMT

It’s About Implementation Not Information

The journey of entrepreneurship should not be a solo climb over a mountain of overwhelm. Imagine converting that sense of being overwhelmed into focused, strategic action. Our Implementation Day is crafted to do just that, providing a supportive environment that encourages movement from crowded thoughts to clear, tangible steps forward.

Sprint-Based Learning

 Engage in fast-paced, focused sessions that maximize learning and application without the burnout, keeping the momentum high and the insights sharp.

Evidence-Backed Strategies

 Every tactic, tool, and piece of advice is rooted in proven success, giving you the confidence to implement what you learn immediately.

Neurodivergent-Led Expertise

Our lineup of experts, all neurodivergent themselves, offer unique insights and strategies that resonate with diverse ways of thinking and doing, ensuring an inclusive and empowering experience.

Meet Your Experts

Marcia Brissett-Bailey

Author +  Speaker

Alex Onalaja

Life & Mindset Coach

Vivienne Isebor

Community Builder

Eve Horne

Creative Mentor &  Advisor

Amelie Taralle

Business Coach &  Adviser 

Why People Love Our Events…

Tumi Sotire – The Black Dyspraxic

From the sessions I have pratical takeaways to create a business advisory council

Leonie Worrell

What You Get By Joining 

We believe the entrepreneurial path should be accessible and achievable for all, especially for those who experience the world differently. Implementation Day is more than an event; it’s a catalyst for turning your innovative ideas into reality. It’s about breaking free from overwhelm and stepping into a space where your vision is celebrated and elevated.


Dive deep into evidence-based strategies that are as practical as they are powerful.


Connect with a network of peers and mentors who share your journey, offering support and insight every step of the way.


Arm yourself with a toolkit designed for immediate impact, tailored to your unique path.

Book Your Place Today Before It’s Too Late

This day is a turning point, a moment where your entrepreneurial aspirations meet their execution. Don’t let this opportunity slip through your fingers. 

Join us and transform your vision into victory.

JOIN US online!

Schedule – What’s On The Day

Join us to push the limits of the achievable. Implementation Day is your chance to leverage untapped potential, make significant progress, and connect with a community that shares your vision and values. Secure your spot among pioneers eager to transition from ideation to execution. Your entrepreneurial path is crucial, and now is the moment for your distinct vision to ascend.

10:00 – 10:10 GMT


Setting Intentions for the day

Initiate the day with purpose, aligning your aspirations with actionable intentions to lay the groundwork for a day filled with achievement.

10:10 – 10:07 GMT

Alex Onalaja

Mastering Instagram – A Neurodivergent’s Journey to 185k Followers

Discover the neurodivergent strategies Alex employed to transform his Instagram into a powerhouse of engagement and business growth.

10:08 – 10:45 GMT

All Participants

Content That Converts Breakout Room  – Sprint #1

Dive into Alex’s framework in a dynamic, collaborative sprint. Work together to storyboard at least 3 pieces of content that resonates, with Alex guiding each breakout room with tailored advice.

10:45 – 11:00 GMT

Alex Onalaja

Content that Converts Feedback 

Receive direct, actionable feedback from Alex, employing the ASK (actionable, specific and kind) method to refine and elevate your content strategy. 

11:00 – 11:10 GMT


Mindful Break

Pause for a moment of reflection. Breathe, recalibrate, and gear up for the next sprint with renewed focus.

11:10 – 11:17 GMT

Marcia Brissett-Bailey

Unlocking Paid Speaking Gigs – A Neurodivergent’s Guide

Marcia shares her journey and strategies as a neurodivergent speaker, offering insights on securing speaking engagements that not only pay but resonate with your message.

11:18 – 11:45 GMT

All Participants

Speaking Gigs That Pay Breakout Room – Sprint #2

Leverage Marcia’s insights in a collaborative sprint, crafting your collaboration strategy for landing speaking gigs that align with your expertise and passion.

11:45 – 12:00 GMT

Marcia Brissett-Bailey

Speaking Gigs That Pay Feedback

Get personalized feedback from Marcia, applying her expertise to refine your approach and ensure your collaboration strategy is successful.

12:00 – 12:10 GMT


Mindful Break

Another opportunity to pause and reflect. Prepare mentally for the final sprint, ensuring you’re ready to cross the finish line with actionable insights.

12:10 – 12:17 GMT

Vivienne Isebor

Building a Community Making an Impact with ADHD Babes

Join Vivienne Isebor as she unveils the journey behind ADHD Babes, a groundbreaking community that has become a beacon of empowerment and impact. Discover the strategies and heartfelt stories of building a space where neurodivergence is not just accepted but celebrated. Learn how to harness the power of community to amplify voices, foster belonging, and drive meaningful change.

12:18 – 12:45 GMT

All Participants

Crafting Your Impactful Community Breakout Room – #Sprint3 

In this sprint, participants will dive into the essence of creating a community that resonates and makes a real difference. Guided by the insights from Vivienne’s session, you’ll brainstorm and outline the foundational steps to build your own community or enhance an existing one. Focus on identifying your core mission, engaging members authentically, and fostering an environment of support and empowerment.

12:45 – 13:00 GMT

Vivienne Isebor

Elevating Your Community Strategy Feedback

Following the breakout sprint, Vivienne will provide targeted feedback to help refine your community-building strategies. Drawing on her experience with ADHD Babes, she’ll offer actionable advice on how to deepen engagement, navigate challenges, and sustain growth. This feedback session is designed to equip you with the tools and confidence to lead a community that thrives and impacts lives positively.

13:00 – 13:10 GMT


Nearing The Finish Line

As we approach the culmination of today’s transformative journey, take a moment with Team NYAE to reflect on the progress made and the insights gained. This is a crucial time to assess the strides taken towards your goals and to recognize the evolution of your initial plans into tangible outcomes. It’s an opportunity to recalibrate if necessary, ensuring that what you set out to achieve is within reach, setting the stage for the final push towards completion.

13:11 – 13:17 GMT

Eve Horne

Pioneering Equity in the Music Industry

Eve Horne will unfold her inspiring narrative and the innovative strategies she has utilized to reshape the music industry’s framework towards greater equality and representation. Participants will delve into how these transformative lessons can be adapted to their own domains, promoting diversity and inclusivity. Eve will also provide a practical framework, empowering you to enact similar changes in your environments.

13:18 – 13:45 GMT

All Participants

Crafting Your Equity & Representation Strategy Breakout Room – #Sprint4 

In this sprint engage in an interactive exercise to map out how Eve’s strategies for fostering equality and representation can be tailored to their specific contexts. This task involves identifying key areas within your own industries or communities where change is needed and applying Eve’s framework to devise actionable steps toward creating a more inclusive environment.

13:45 – 14:00 GMT

Eve Horne

Crafting Your Equity & Representation Strategy Feedback

Following the Crafting Your Equity & Representation Strategy Breakout sprint, Eve will provide targeted feedback to help refine your strategies, ensuring they are both impactful and implementable. Drawing from her extensive experience in pioneering change within the music industry, Eve will offer insights to strengthen your approach, enhance inclusivity, and effectively advocate for representation within your own spheres of influence.

14:00 – 14:05 GMT


The  Penultimate Finish Line

As we approach the 2nd to last sprint, The Penultimate Finish Line, it’s a moment to gather our collective energy and focus for the final push. This segment is designed to consolidate the insights, strategies, and inspiration we’ve garnered throughout the day. Reflect on the transformative journey we’ve embarked upon, from the initial setting of intentions to the actionable frameworks and personalized feedback received. It’s a time to recognize the progress made, the connections forged, and the vision expanded. As we prepare to transition into our concluding session, let’s carry forward the momentum, ready to apply our newfound knowledge and strategies to make a tangible impact in our industries and communities.

14:05- 14:17 GMT

Amelie Taralle

Insights from a ‘Late-Diagnosed’ Neurodivergent Entrepreneur

Amelie shares how she navigated her personal & professional life without being aware she was neurodivergent and how she now accepts herself fully and uses her strengths/weaknesses-combo to her advantage. She shares the strategies & tools she now uses to limit overwhelm, deliver for her clients and enjoy the journey of entrepreneurship & life to achieve her own definition of success.

14:17 – 14:45 GMT

All Participants

Crafting Your Balanced Entrepreneurial Roadmap Breakout Room – #Sprint5

In this interactive breakout session, you will work under Amelie’s guidance to pinpoint yout unique KPIs for entrepreneurial success and well-being. The task involves collaboratively designing a tailored blueprint that addresses both professional aspirations and personal well-being, ensuring you can navigate your entrepreneurial path with confidence and clarity.

14:45 – 14:50 GMT

Amelie Taralle

Feedback – Personalised Roadmap Refinement

Following the breakout sprint, Amelie provides targeted feedback on your roadmap. Leveraging her insight as a late-diagnosed neurodivergent entrepreneur, she offers personalised advice to refine their strategies, ensuring their approach to achieving a balanced and successful entrepreneurial life is practical, sustainable, and aligned with your individual definitions of success.

14:50 – 15:00 GMT


The Finish Line

As we draw to a close, Team NYAE invites you to a final moment of reflection and forward-thinking. Review the journey you’ve embarked on today, from the initial setting of intentions to the actionable insights and strategies developed throughout the sessions. Armed with a clearer vision and the support of NYAE, you’re now equipped to advance your entrepreneurial dreams into the realm of reality. Leave inspired, motivated, and ready to take on the world, knowing that the journey you’ve started today is just the beginning of what’s possible.

About Your Host


Ruth-Ellen is also a certified meditation teacher, here to ensure that the pace and energy of the session remain vibrant, focused so you can remain resilient. She will expertly facilitate mindful breaks, helping participants realign and recharge, ensuring they have the stamina and clarity to make Implementation Day an impactful experience.

Don’t Miss Out! 

Transform your dreams into reality on a day dedicated not just to learning, but to doing. Join the Greatest Implementation Day

JOIN US online!

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